Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Moon!

The DVD came out yesterday. Did you get yours yet? I sure did and have watched it twice already. It is so much better than the first movie. Can't wait for the next movie now, coming out June 30. 100 days and counting down. Are you all as excited as I am?
This week has been spring break from school. I have been off work, too. I was going to get a lot of stuff done this week and haven't gotten much of it accomplished, but it's been nice to just to relax and not have deadlines.
Back to work and school tomorrow.

1 comment:

Gardiner said...

OH crap!!! I totally forgot that the DVD was coming out. I loved being at Wal Mart the night of the release of the last one, it was so funny to see all the Twi Hards... I even made my husband come with me. He wasn't too impressed! Anyway, glad you mentioned it, now I am going to have to go get mine.